Investment Approach

The Company aims to generate long-term shareholder returns, predominantly in the form of capital growth, by investing in businesses and opportunities that are demonstrably delivering or benefiting significantly from the efficient use of energy and resources irrespective of their size, location or stage of development.

We have a patient approach which aims to deliver superior returns over the long term by investing in a concentrated portfolio of public and private investments. We want to make as few predictions as possible and hold investments for many years. Our portfolio will typically consist of 15-25 positions, with our highest convictions ideas having allocations of >10%. We make selective private investments, sourced from our network and led by best in class operators, when they offer a more attractive balance between risk and reward compared to public markets.

We seek to identify opportunities based on three key criteria:

  1. Resource Efficiency
  2. Quality and
  3. Value.


1. Resource Efficiency

  • Businesses which are focused on using resources more efficiently
  • Pragmatic approach which recognises companies working to reduce their environmental footprint

2. Quality

  • Cash flows which are predictable, resilient and sustainable over the long term
  • Competitive moats underpinned by genuine barriers to entry

3. Value

  • Reasonable valuations considering the quality of the business & its prospects
  • Asymmetric risk-reward pay-offs



CDP Signatory

The Portfolio Manager, Menhaden Capital Management LLP, is an Investor Signatory of CDP. CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.


Portfolio Manager Governance and Policies

UK Stewardship Code Compliance Statement 

Please click here to view

Shareholder Engagement Policy

Please click here to view